• Cliff House, Guest Cottage
  • Cliff House, Rear View
  • Cliff House, Kitchen
  • Cliff House, Hallway
  • Cliff House, Bathroom
  • Cliff House, Master Bedroom
  • Cliff House, View From Master Bedroom

Cliff house is a rambling summer cottage built in the 1930s. A large gathering room in the center was originally flanked by kitchen and servant spaces on one side and bedrooms and guest rooms on the other. Three generations later, the great grandchildren use the house very differently than it was used 80 years ago. One family owns the north side and one the south. They meet in the middle to eat and socialize. In four stages over the last ten years, we have updated the house to serve its current usage.

We added a sun room in the first installment,and renovated two kitchens and several bedrooms in the second. These pictures show the last two additions. A free standing guest cottage on the north side houses two bedrooms, a kids dorm, a kitchenette and two bathrooms in an updated, insulated, cleanly detailed version of the original camp. The final addition is a master bedroom on the south side, cranked 10 degrees to gain an uninhibited view of the Atlantic and featuring a pyramid skylight over the bed that promises perpetual karmic energy.